BABEL | Vrasidas Neophytou

Opening: Wednesday 15 June 2022 | at 20:00 | isnotgallery

Vrasidas Neophytou’ (1953) solo exhibition, titled BABEL.

Born in Tala, Paphos, the self-taught artist “kneads” the materials of the earth.

Using wood as his main material and choosing the folk tradition – keeping elements of it and deconstructing it at the same time – Vrasidas Neophytou presents a series of animal-like sculptures. The installation of works, spread out on the gallery floor and featuring various kinds of animal sculptures made with mixed media, presents abstract animal / sculptures, walking sticks, birds of various kinds.

He works with the roots and trunks of trees, combining them with shells, feathers, wood, coloured pumpkins which are painted in a unique manner. The glass elements featured on some of the compositions constitute a nostalgia that connotatively transports the viewer to the past, to a simpler reality.